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This article explains the different fields and details found on the billing invoice provided by the Political Sign Manager. This guide will help you understand each component of your invoice to ensure clarity and transparency in your billing process.


Invoice Details

Header Information

Prepared by: The person who has prepared the invoice. Example: RLisciarelli Political Sign Manager: The name of the service or organization providing the invoice. PO Box Address: The mailing address for the Political Sign Manager. Example: PO Box 12068, Scottsdale, AZ 85267



Recipient Information

Prepared for: The individual or entity to whom the invoice is addressed. Example: Mahade Hassan Candidate Name: The name of the candidate associated with the campaign. Example: Priyanka Baddi Candidate Id: The unique identifier for the candidate. Example: CND-2024-JAS001 Committee Name: The name of the election committee handling the campaign. Example: Springville City Council Election Committee Committee Id: The unique identifier for the committee. Example: 56565656565656 Campaign ID Number: The specific ID number assigned to the campaign. Example: 0 Campaign Type: The type of campaign being run. Example: Hyper Local - (School District, etc.) Address: The address associated with the campaign. Example: Rupganj, ID, 1000



Invoice Specifics Invoice No.: A unique number assigned to the invoice. Example: 1716797075661-4 Invoice Date: The date and time when the invoice was generated. Example: 05-27-2024 01:04:35

Billing Details Total Sign: The total number of signs involved in the campaign. Example: 10 Billing Plan: The tier or plan under which billing is calculated. Example: Tier 2 Billing Month: The month for which the billing is being done. Example: 1 Billing Cycle: The duration of the billing period. Example: 05/27/2024-03/30/2024